Store Locator
Store LocatorStore LocatorStore LocatorStore LocatorStore LocatorStore Locator

Store Locator – Magento 1 Extension


Store Locator Extension helps sellers to have their customers find the location of physical stores/dealers from the website. Seller can add multiple physical stores by entering the address in the text field. Seller may add the latitude and longitude of the physical stores for precise location; however, the extension itself generates the geo co-ordinates for the store.

Installation Guide
User Guide

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SKU: vg_storelocator Category:

Product Description


Add Multiple Stores:

    1. Unlimited number of physical stores can be added. Seller can add multiple stores one by one or by uploading a csv file.

Import/Export Stores:

    1. Seller can add multiple stores by inserting the information of all stores in a csv file. The extension provides a link to download a sample csv file which can be updated and uploaded to the Magento store through the extension. The extension also validates the data of the uploaded file and gives the count of valid and invalid rows. Seller can also export the list of stores as a csv file.

Store List:

    1. Upon installation the extension generates a Store Locator page that has a list of all stores. User can see all information at the front end provided by the seller while adding the store location. Customers can search the store by Name, Address, Radius and Zip code.


  1. On the Store detail page users can enter their location and find the direction to the store on the Google map.

Additional Information





How To Use

Configuration of Store Locator

Steps to add the Google API key:

  1. Log in to Magento admin account.
  2. Go to ‘System’.
  3. Click ‘Configuration’.
  4. From the left navigation click ‘Store Locator’.
  5. Enter Google Map API key.
  6. Click on ‘Save’.

Manage Stores

Steps to add a store:

  1. Log in to Magento admin panel.
  2. Go to ‘Store Locator’.
  3. Click on ‘Manage Stores’.
  4. Click ‘Add New’.
  5. Enter required information.
  6. Click ‘Save’.

Steps to edit a Store Location:

  1. Log in to Magento admin panel.
  2. Go to ‘Store Locator’.
  3. Click on ‘Manage Store’.
  4. Search the store.
  5. Click ‘Edit’.
  6. Make the updates.
  7. Click ‘Save’.

Import Stores:

Steps to Import Stores:

  1. Log in to Magento admin panel.
  2. Go to ‘Store Locator’.
  3. Click ‘Import Stores’.
  4. Click the ‘Click Here’ link to download sample csv file.
  5. Enter required information in sample file and save it on your computer.
  6. Browse for the sample file from the computer.
  7. Click on ‘Import Store’ button.