Where To Buy

Where To Buy – Magento 2 Extension


Where To Buy displays the availability of products in different ecommerce websites. It allows buyers to buy your products from other retailer website.

Installation Guide
User Guide

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SKU: VG_wheretobuy_M2 Category:

Product Description


Where to buy Extension by V Group helps sellers to displays the availability of products in different ecommerce websites. It allows sellers to buy your products from their favorite retailer without leaving your website. In this extension sellers can import and Export the platforms attributes such as Title, Platform logo, Status, Platform Id, Store Id and Platform Link through csv file. And also they can import and Export the products such as Platform id, SKU, Product link through csv file. Sellers can also add the platform through admin panel by filling some details such as Title, Store, Platform logo, Platform link, Status and assigned their associate products. Platform settings can be change as per the sellers requirement. They can change the platform settings such as Display Link in Header, Header Link Label, Display Link in Footer, Footer link label, Display Button on Category Page, Platforms List Page Title, Changing the label of Where to Buy Button, Display “Where to Buy” Button on Product Stock Status, and also seller can design the platform page by adding css file in Style box.


Seller can manage platforms and their multiple stores from admin panel and also they can Import/Export the store platform and their multiple stores in bulk through csv file. Platform can be configured as per seller’s requirement. This Platform having some features:

Manage Platforms:

Sellers can add multiple platforms through admin panel. They can manage their added/new platforms. Platforms can be linked with multiple stores. Products can be assigning at the time of creating/edit platform. It helps to display the availability of products in different store.

Platforms Configuration:

Platforms can be configured as per seller requirement. Seller can add css file in style box to customize the page, also able to change the Title of platform popup, Label of buttons and links. They can manage the display of links and buttons through admin panel. Note: Following are the steps to display the “Where to Buy” button on product listing page:
  • Login to admin panel.
  • Go to Configuration under Platform tab.
  • Copy the script from “Where to Buy Button script”.
  • Update the file at “yourtheme/template/catalog/product/list.phtml” with the copied script and paste it below the “Add to Cart” button.
Note: Following are the steps to display the “Product Widget Button Script” button on product widget:
  • Login to admin panel.
  • Go to Configuration under Platform tab.
  • Copy the script from “Product Widget Button Script”.
  • Update the file at “yourtheme/CatalogWidget/templates/product/widget/grid.phtml” with the copied script and paste it below the “Add to Cart” button.

Import Platform/Products:

Multiple Platforms/Products can be imported by uploading the csv file. By selecting import behavior seller can replace the existing Platform/Products through uploading csv file.

Export Platform/Products:

It provides to export the platform and Products individually in csv file from the Magento dashboard.

Additional Information




2.0, 2.1, 2.2

How To Use

Add Platform

Steps to add the platform
  1. Login to Magento admin panel.
  2. Go to Platforms.
  3. Click on Platform Manager.
  4. Click on Add Platform button.
  5. Enter the required information.
  6. Click on save button.

Import Platform/Products:

Steps to import the platform:
  1. Login to Magento admin panel.
  2. Go to Platforms.
  3. Click on Platform Manager.
  4. Click on Import button.
  5. Click on “Platform Sample File” to download platform sample csv.
  6. Update the sample csv file.
  7. Select Import Type.
  8. Browse and Upload the csv file.
Steps to import the products:
  1. Login to Magento admin panel.
  2. Go to Platforms.
  3. Click on Platform Manager.
  4. Click on Import button.
  5. Click on “Product Sample File” to download product sample csv.
  6. Update the sample csv file.
  7. Select Import Type.
  8. Browse and Upload the csv file.

Export Platform:

Steps to Export the platform:
  1. Login to Magento admin panel.
  2. Go to Platforms.
  3. Click on Platform Manager.
  4. Click on Export Platform.

Export Products:

Steps to Export the platform:
  1. Login to Magento admin panel.
  2. Go to Platforms.
  3. Click on Platform Manager.
  4. Click on Export Products.

Platform Settings:

Steps to Change platform settings:
  1. Login to Magento admin panel.
  2. Go to Platforms.
  3. Click on Configuration.
  4. Update the Platform Settings.
  5. Click on Save Button.